Student spotlight: Calvin George

by Vicki Heisser  |   

We recently talked with Calvin George, originally from Sitka and now lives in Port Graham. We discussed his diverse interests and experiences. One of Calvin's notable passions is cultivating plants in an indoor garden, which led him and his son to master cultivating around 1,200 different plant species. His extensive background in the fishing industry, including working in the Bering Sea, as well as his roles on a long liner and a dragger, showcased his resilience. He mentioned a significant incident where he got injured by a rogue wave but still managed to complete his contract.

Calvin also shared how he came across Prince William Sound College (PWSC) through a kelp and shellfish presentation and felt a connection to the mariculture industry. Calvin is enrolled in the OEC in Marine Natural Resources Technician program at PWSC and is enjoying the overall experience. However, he finds it challenging to write scientific reports due to his natural inclination towards storytelling. He strongly desires to incorporate storytelling techniques into his scientific write-ups and turn them into engaging stories.
Last weekend, Calvin was invited to the 2024 Mariculture Conference of Alaska in Anchorage, where he presented a poster about a mobile processing fleet for the mariculture industry. The idea came from listening to the challenges others face in the industry and wanting to find a solution. Calvin believes that the mariculture industry has the potential to make history and sees the mobile processing fleet as a way to address the processing and product development struggles faced by many. He also mentioned the various benefits and uses of kelp.
Looking ahead, Calvin disclosed his aspirations for further education and emphasized his intent to leverage the MNRT program for career advancement and networking opportunities. His vision for the future encompasses contributing significantly to the evolving landscape of the mariculture industry.